研讨会 : McKinsey Digital Seminar —Winning in Ecommerce/Digital Consumer Age

你想了解麦肯锡如何做数字化科技咨询吗,想知道最新的麦肯锡RED (Revenue Enhancement through Digital)模型吗?快来参加McKinsey Digital Seminar!我们会为您带来:

– RED模型介绍以及企业如何在数字化营销成为领袖

– 麦肯锡RED 案例讨论

– 与麦肯锡consultant面对面



2015年4月30日晚18点30至21点,星期四,法国,巴黎 (具体地址报名后通知)






将简历(英文)发送给我们将会增加您入选的机会!简历发送地址:”GC_BTO_Recruiting@mckinsey.com“,邮件主题请使用”McKinsey Digital Seminar – Full Name“。


04/25/2015, 我们会在 04/27/2015 之前邮件联系参会者。



蔡建穎 Mckinsey Shanghai Office,Associate

清华大学本科,Arts et Metiers Paristech, INSEAD MBA,在法国BearingPoint, AXA等公司从事咨询工作多年,目前为McKinney Shanghai Office, Associate




To show what is like to work at McKinsey on Digital and technology related work, we are organizing a seminar in which we will share the latest McKinsey thinking on RED (Revenue Enhancement through Digital) and client cases. It will take place on Thursday, April 30, 2015, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm in Paris, France. (venue to be announced after registration).


What to expect from the event? 

– A keynote speech on RED, and how companies can become leaders in driving digital sales growth

– A panel discussion on McKinsey RED approach and successful examples

– Meet and greet with McKinsey consultants

Target Audience

2-10 years experienced professionals with solid functional knowledge and experience in areas such as digital technology, eCommerce, IT strategy consulting.

How to join?

Due to a limited seating capacity, we have to do a selection on participants. Please register via the following link:


To increase the chance to be selected to the seminar, please send your English CV to “GC_BTO_Recruiting@mckinsey.com“, and use the following format for email subject “McKinsey Digital Seminar – Full Name“.

Speaker: 蔡建穎 McKinsey Shanghai Office,Associate

Bachelor in Tsinghua University, Arts et Metiers Paristech, INSEAD MBA, former consultant in BearingPoint, AXA in France.

The application deadline would be 04/25/2015, and we’ll contact you by 04/27/2015 for the attendance confirmation.


Association des Anciens Elèves de l’Université Tsinghua en France
